Contemporary poetics eagerly undertakes the study of texts which are related to the extreme. In the past, the motivation behind such works was the belief that borderline, transgressive, experiences allow the modern subject to learn something new about themselves, society, and the material world. (...)

Landscape and Imagination: A History of Fascination and an Anatomy of Passion in Jacek Woźniakowski’s Góry niewzruszone [Immovable Mountains] and Robert Macfarlane’s Mountains of the Mind

Elżbieta Dutka

A b s t r a k t

Mountain studies in the humanities concentrates on the relation between people and mountains. Robert Macfarlane explored that topic in Mountains of the Mind (2003). In this article, Macfarlane’s bestseller is compared with Jacek Woźniakowski’s Góry Niewzruszone [Immovable Mountains] (1974). (...)

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Eco-psychological Analysis of Literary Descriptions of Catastrophe. The case of the Fukushima tragedy in 2:46 aftershocks, stories of Japan earthquake

Shuai Tong

A b s t r a k t

This research paper attempts to explore an intersection between psychoanalysis and ecocriticism in Japan. Specifically, applied to the literary descriptions in the work “2:46 Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake (2011)” from the eco-psychological viewpoint. (...)

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